Gevonden 204 synoniemen in 29 groepen
  1. 1
    Betekenis: property
    evil bad vile sinister base wrong corrupt hurtful wicked
  1. 2
    Betekenis: mistaken
    wrong inaccurate flawed full of bugs erroneous fallacious
    incorrect faulty false misleading equivocal in error
  2. 3
    Betekenis: brash
    foolish inappropriate rash reckless thoughtless unwise
    imprudent madcap wrong confused ill-advised
  3. 4
    Betekenis: injure
    maltreat abuse bully wrong mistreat
  4. 5
    Betekenis: off
    wrong erring in error confused mistaken
  1. 6
    Betekenis: abuse
    ill-treat misuse mistreat
    ill-use wrong maltreat
  2. 7
    Betekenis: transgression
    error fault trespass wrong
    offence crime misdemeanour misdeed
  3. 8
    Betekenis: unfair
    sneaky illegal lawless unprincipled unconscionable unscrupulous
    dishonest deceitful crooked wrong immoral unethical
  4. 9
    Betekenis: inequity
    injustice wrong favouritism unfairness
  5. 10
    Betekenis: false
    fallacious wrong faulty invalid
    unsound untenable senseless unfounded
  6. 11
    Betekenis: inappropriate
    improper unfit unsuitable awkward
    wrong incongruous gauche misplaced
  7. 12
    Betekenis: reprehensible
    blameworthy censurable improper wrong vicious
  8. 13
    Betekenis: perverted
    perplexing distorted tangled
    wrong erroneous twisted
  9. 14
    Betekenis: immoral
    bad unjust crooked dishonest
    depraved corrupt wrong iniquitous
  10. 15
    Betekenis: null and void
    defective erroneous wrong invalid
    groundless illogical fallacious unconvincing
  11. 16
    Betekenis: invalid
    defective erroneous wrong unconvincing
    groundless illogical fallacious null and void
  12. 17
    Betekenis: indecorous
    indecent improper unbecoming inappropriate
    rough wrong unseemly
  13. 18
    Betekenis: grievance
    wrong injury injustice
  14. 19
    Betekenis: matter
    wrong slight injustice outrage injury
  15. 20
    Betekenis: behaviour
    mistreat maltreat abuse
    bully wrong injure
  16. 21
    Betekenis: activity
    harm injure abuse oppress maltreat
    aggrieve defraud persecute wrong
  17. 22
    Betekenis: state
    evil misdeed wickedness sin vice
    inequity immorality misdoing wrong
  18. 23
    Betekenis: characteristic
    erroneous inaccurate improper specious incorrect
    mistaken untrue wrong false
  19. 24
    Betekenis: vile
    lewd wrong wicked frightful
  20. 25
    Betekenis: mistake
    wrong erring in error confused off
  21. 26
    Betekenis: astray
    amiss badly wrong awry
  22. 27
    Betekenis: practice
    evil outrage abuse
    wickedness wrong harm
  23. 28
    Betekenis: inaccurate
    false inexact untrue
    wrong erroneous incorrect
  24. 29
    Betekenis: harm
    mistreat wrong molest hurt
    ill-use maltreat injure abuse

wrong synoniemen - Engels passende woorden voor wrong

Synonymien voor en na wrong

  • wrinkle
  • writ
  • write
  • write down
  • writer
  • writhe
  • writing
  • writing instrument
  • writings
  • written
  • wrong
  • wrong name
  • wrong side of the tracks
  • wrongdoer
  • wrongdoing
  • wrongful
  • wrongly
  • wrought iron
  • wry
  • x-ray
  • xantippe