Gevonden 159 synoniemen in 23 groepen
  1. 1
    Betekenis: crack
    cranny interval crevice fissure hole split space interstice
  1. 2
    Betekenis: smashed
    shattered cracked burst damaged
    split collapsed broken crushed
  2. 3
    Betekenis: cut in two
    bisect cleave divide partition
    split divide by two take half halve
  3. 4
    Betekenis: break
    crack split cleavage fracture
    severing disjunction breach fissure
  4. 5
    Betekenis: fracture
    cleft crack break split
    tear rupture division rift
  1. 6
    Betekenis: radiation
    deviation split division branch
    divergence offshoot separation ramification
  2. 7
    Betekenis: divergence
    deviation split division branch
    ramification offshoot separation radiation
  3. 8
    Betekenis: to pieces
    in two asunder in pieces
    apart split divided
  4. 9
    Betekenis: division
    distinction separation demarcation split differentiation
  5. 10
    Betekenis: hole
    puncture cleft opening slot
    gash split tear perforation
  6. 11
    Betekenis: broken
    shattered cracked burst damaged
    split collapsed crushed smashed
  7. 12
    Betekenis: breach
    breaking bursting split fracture
    break disruption rupture
  8. 13
    Betekenis: departure
    adieu farewell split
    good-bye leave-taking parting
  9. 14
    Betekenis: ripped
    split ragged severed burst torn
  10. 15
    Betekenis: action
    warp bend crack split spring
  11. 16
    Betekenis: thing
    crack split fissure
    bend warp spring
  12. 17
    Betekenis: sever
    split divide hew
    separate rend asunder cleave
  13. 18
    Betekenis: tear
    cut cleavage laceration
    split rent rip
  14. 19
    Betekenis: explode
    blow up detonate burst split blast
  15. 20
    Betekenis: movement
    gone departed gone out split left
  16. 21
    Betekenis: nature
    fissure rip split gash laceration
    break crack rent tear
  17. 22
    Betekenis: gash
    cut cleft split rift
    incision breach crack slit
  18. 23
    Betekenis: cut
    gash slash rip slice
    split tear pierce slit

split synoniemen - Engels passende woorden voor split

Synonymien voor en na split

  • splatter
  • splay
  • spleen
  • splendid
  • splendidly
  • splendor
  • splendour
  • splenetic
  • splint
  • splinter
  • split
  • split up
  • splitting
  • splitting the atom
  • splitting up
  • splotch
  • splurge
  • splutter
  • spoil
  • spoiled
  • spoils