Gevonden 235 synoniemen in 34 groepen
  1. 1
    Betekenis: rhythm
    throb pulsation beat vibration tick measure cadence
  1. 2
    Betekenis: music
    beat throb pulsation cadence
    vibration tick measure rhythm
  2. 3
    Betekenis: scope
    inclusion incorporation extent latitude
    embodiment measure comprehension circumscription
  3. 4
    Betekenis: distance
    stretch extent span reach
    range measure length diameter
  4. 5
    Betekenis: basket
    measure bushel load bucket basketful
  1. 6
    Betekenis: action
    measure move manoeuvre
    procedure step proceeding
  2. 7
    Betekenis: activity
    gauge measure regulate time
  3. 8
    Betekenis: beat
    meter rhythm measure time
    pace throb pulse tempo
  4. 9
    Betekenis: basis
    model measure gauge example
    standard pattern rule criterion
  5. 10
    Betekenis: legislative addition
    bill measure act revision
    amendment supplement rider
  6. 11
    Betekenis: density
    body bulk weight measure
    heaviness viscosity concentration thickness
  7. 12
    Betekenis: norm
    measure gauge model criterion
    standard yardstick reference point touchstone
  8. 13
    Betekenis: size
    extent breadth dimension enormity
    bulk mass measure magnitude
  9. 14
    Betekenis: amount
    aggregate measure mass
    bulk number quantity
  10. 15
    Betekenis: thing
    measure bushel load basket bucket
  11. 16
    Betekenis: quantity
    weight measure pound
  12. 17
    Betekenis: range
    stretch scope reach extent
    expanse measure compass spread
  13. 18
    Betekenis: standard
    rule scale guide gauge
    model measure norm yardstick
  14. 19
    Betekenis: thirty-six-inch ruler
    ruler measuring stick measure yard yardstick
  15. 20
    Betekenis: distribute
    allot apportion measure parcel out
    dole deal give mete
  16. 21
    Betekenis: dosage
    measure portion measurement treatment
    shot draught application dose
  17. 22
    Betekenis: time
    time measure clock
  18. 23
    Betekenis: sound
    fathom measure explore search
    mark gauge plumb
  19. 24
    Betekenis: contents
    size volume room dimensions
    measure spread capacity
  20. 25
    Betekenis: dose
    measure portion measurement treatment
    shot draught application dosage
  21. 26
    Betekenis: volume
    capacity size space mass
    quantity measure expanse contents
  22. 27
    Betekenis: direction of fall
    tendency drift degree slope
    proportion line measure incidence
  23. 28
    Betekenis: art
    unit of poem measure interval meter
    accent bar foot
  24. 29
    Betekenis: portion
    allowance share allotment apportionment
    measure food ration
  25. 30
    Betekenis: law
    act draft proposed law
    measure proposal bill
  26. 31
    Betekenis: device for measuring
    measure dial mark meter
    scale standard gauge
  27. 32
    Betekenis: estimate
    calculate check calibrate mark
    measure assess weigh gauge
  28. 33
    Betekenis: restraint
    temperance discretion continence caution
    forbearance measure moderation
  29. 34
    Betekenis: gauge
    scale calibrate rank grade
    rule survey standard measure

Woorden lijkend op measure

measure synoniemen - Engels passende woorden voor measure

Synonymien voor en na measure

  • meandering
  • meaning
  • meaningful
  • meaningfulness
  • meaningless
  • meanness
  • means
  • means of access
  • meanwhile
  • measurable
  • measure
  • measure up
  • measured
  • measureless
  • measurement
  • measuring stick
  • meat
  • meat dealer
  • meaty
  • mechanic
  • mechanical