Gevonden 53 synoniemen in 8 groepen
  1. 1
    Betekenis: part of speech
    only just but solely exactly merely
  1. 2
    Betekenis: amount
    totally entirely altogether exactly just
    purely all utterly quite
  2. 3
    Betekenis: particularly
    precisely strictly in detail exactly
  3. 4
    Betekenis: all
    entirely altogether exactly just
    purely quite utterly totally
  4. 5
    Betekenis: precisely
    accurately squarely exactly explicitly on the button
  1. 6
    Betekenis: evenly
    equally in the middle exactly precisely
    accurately fairly squarely
  2. 7
    Betekenis: speech
    exactly verbatim word for word precisely copy
  3. 8
    Betekenis: manner
    totally entirely altogether exactly just
    purely quite utterly all

exactly synoniemen - Engels passende woorden voor exactly

Synonymien voor en na exactly

  • evolution
  • evolve
  • evolved
  • evolving
  • ex officio
  • exacerbate
  • exact
  • exacting
  • exaction
  • exactitude
  • exactly
  • exactness
  • exaggerate
  • exaggerated
  • exaggeration
  • exalt
  • exaltation
  • exalted
  • exam
  • examination