Gevonden 126 synoniemen in 18 groepen
  1. 1
    Betekenis: character
    quality essence nature characteristic constitution caliber
  1. 2
    Betekenis: distinctive nature
    type cast class character sort
    kind stamp nature lot mold
  2. 3
    Betekenis: physics
    nature division of cells splitting the atom fission
  3. 4
    Betekenis: essence
    substance nature being
    principle quintessence marrow
  4. 5
    Betekenis: universe
    earth cosmos creation
    world nature macrocosm
  1. 6
    Betekenis: state
    mood disposition temperament nature constitution
    humour spirit make-up temper
  2. 7
    Betekenis: environment
    out-of-doors scenery view nature seascape
  3. 8
    Betekenis: disposition
    character nature temperament temper
    humour personality individuality make-up
  4. 9
    Betekenis: property
    make-up character nature make
  5. 10
    Betekenis: basic nature
    nature core gist pith
    sum and substance spirit essence
  6. 11
    Betekenis: class
    character denomination description kind
    nature order rank breed
  7. 12
    Betekenis: essential element
    character nature quality being
    quintessence tissue resilience fibre
  8. 13
    Betekenis: appearance
    seeming aspect semblance nature complexion
  9. 14
    Betekenis: characteristic
    nature character essence substance gist
    quintessence sense drift spirit
  10. 15
    Betekenis: physical nature
    composition make-up build physique
    health nature vitality constitution
  11. 16
    Betekenis: place
    environment out-of-doors scenery view
    seascape landscape nature
  12. 17
    Betekenis: space
    universe earth cosmos creation
    world macrocosm nature
  13. 18
    Betekenis: substance
    soil nature dust dirt mud
    dry land ground clay earth

Woorden lijkend op nature

nature synoniemen - Engels passende woorden voor nature

Synonymien voor en na nature

  • nationalistic
  • nationwide
  • native
  • nativity
  • natty
  • natural
  • naturalise
  • naturalize
  • naturally
  • naturalness
  • nature
  • naught
  • naughtiness
  • naughty
  • nausea
  • nauseate
  • nauseated
  • nauseating
  • nauseous
  • nautical
  • naval