Gevonden 106 synoniemen in 17 groepen
  1. 1
    Betekenis: tangible
    tactile palpable actual real concrete material substantive touchable
  1. 2
    Betekenis: cloth
    material fabric weave stuff textile
  2. 3
    Betekenis: actual
    external material scientific sure
    extrinsic measurable extraneous tactile
  3. 4
    Betekenis: information
    data facts material figures
  4. 5
    Betekenis: fact
    material information figures data
  1. 6
    Betekenis: substance
    material matter essence character stuff
  2. 7
    Betekenis: thing
    textile material fabric cloth
  3. 8
    Betekenis: important
    essential valuable material worthy substantial
  4. 9
    Betekenis: real
    actual tangible concrete material
    physical visible corporeal substantial
  5. 10
    Betekenis: object
    element matter material
    stuff thing substance
  6. 11
    Betekenis: characteristic
    material existent tangible substantive physical
    incarnate palpable corporal real
  7. 12
    Betekenis: the written word
    printed matter material account passage
    excerpt literature reading
  8. 13
    Betekenis: physical
    fleshly carnal corporeal human
    tangible material bodily
  9. 14
    Betekenis: textile
    cloth fabric material
  10. 15
    Betekenis: significant
    substantial consequential considerable meaningful
    material momentous weighty important
  11. 16
    Betekenis: touchable
    substantial material corporeal palpable
    tactile discernible tangible
  12. 17
    Betekenis: set of useful items
    set parts tools collection
    material assortment tackle kit

material synoniemen - Engels passende woorden voor material

Synonymien voor en na material

  • mat
  • matador
  • match
  • matched
  • matching
  • matchless
  • matchmaker
  • mate
  • mated
  • mater
  • material
  • materialisation
  • materialise
  • materialistic
  • materialization
  • materialize
  • maternal
  • mates
  • mathematics
  • matriarch
  • matriarchal